Education and training for employees and employers
Ready for a new job? A new career?
Employers, do you need help with employee training?
We’ll help you grow as an individual, or as a company, with tailored, affordable classes aimed at your specific needs. We offer classes at your organization’s facilities, our many locations throughout the County, or online. Programs include customized training and training-related services; courses for entrepreneurs; selected credit programs for new careers; public computer classes; and business classes.
Our Workforce Development and Community Education Division serves individuals along with for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, as well as municipalities and government agencies. If you are an individual looking to start a new career or advance in your current position, we will help you upgrade your skills, get back to work after a layoff, or change jobs. The Professional Development Center, our corporate training arm, serves clients ranging from small businesses and associations to major, multi-location corporations. Whether you have your own training facility and simply need complementary support, or want to outsource services that are not core to your activities, we can assist you to grow…..your people, your business, your bottom line.