Event Calendar
Philosophia Art Talk: More Than Just a Pretty Face
Understanding the Ideas and Purposes Behind Famous Works of Art
Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Location: Harold L. Drimmer Library, Room LIB 320 (Honors Lounge) – SUNY Westchester Valhalla
Many people believe that what makes a “masterpiece” is due solely to the innovative techniques employed by the artist such as the use of color and light. In this presentation of salient works of art, Dr. Klein will show that the underlying ideas that the artist was trying to convey to society can often account for its fame both in its own time and more importantly in the present day.
Faculty Facilitator: Dr. Gary Klein
Sponsored by the Philosophia Honors Society of the SUNY WCC Honors Program and College.
For more information, contact mira.sakrajda@sunywcc.edu