Our Mission
Mission and Guiding Principles
Mission Statement:
Collegium for Lifelong Learning, a self-governing organization affiliated with Westchester Community College, is dedicated to combining serious study and social exchange among its members. Collegium operates consistently with the values and policies of the College.
In the Collegium commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, we agree to respect the rights and sensibilities of all members and we strive for a community and culture that is respectful, open, curious and thoughtful.
Guiding Principles:
- Open membership: The only condition for membership in Collegium is payment of the program’s applicable fees.
- Peer-group direction: Members direct, operate and administer Collegium, including designing its curriculum offerings, through the Collegium board of directors.
- Voluntary service: All board members, course leaders and guest speakers are volunteers and receive no honoraria, fees or gifts for services.
- Curriculum content: Collegium strives to provide curriculum offerings in a variety of topics and disciplines with content that is intellectually stimulating to advanced learners.
- Community: The Collegium environment provides opportunities for intellectual exchange, social interaction and friendship among members.
- Powered by members: Volunteering is the lifeblood of Collegium. Members are strongly encouraged to volunteer to provide assistance with the operations and administration of Collegium and to share their expertise inside and outside the classroom, under the direction of the Collegium board or its officers.
- Collegium seeks to benefit Westchester Community College by enhancing community awareness of the College and supporting the College’s goals.