Faculty FAQ’s
What is Viking Success?
Viking Success is an interactive platform for students, faculty, and staff to collaborate towards improving academic success. It also connects to information from Peoplesoft, Blackboard, and Outlook creating ease of access for retention purposes.
How do I access Viking Success?
To access Viking Success, log in to www.sunywcc.edu/vikingsuccess using your SUNY WCC username and password.
Who uses Viking Success on Campus?
Faculty, Staff, and Students have access to Viking Success.
Why can't I see certain students in my courses?
Make sure all filters are cleared when attempting to search for a student. Sometime residual filters make it appear as if a student is missing.
Progress Surveys
What is a Progress Survey?
Progress Surveys are used to obtain progress reports on student activity to aid in retention.
When are Progress Surveys Sent?
Progress Surveys are sent out quarterly in a semester. Each survey, Early Alert, Participation and Preparedness, Pre-Registration, and End of Term, allow faculty and staff to report student progress as well as refer students to services to improve their academic standing.
What is a Raised Flag?
Flags.” These are important alert tools to help indicate when a student is missing class, missing textbooks, missing work, missing tests, etc. By raising flags, the students and other members of their success network are notified to help the student get back on track.
What is a Referral?
Referral.” Referrals can also be selected as options to refer students to specific areas of help needed. For example, you can refer a student to an Academic Counselor if they need to drop your course or need assistance with their academic track.
What is a Kudo?
Kudos." Too often, we focus on the negative and forget how important it is to acknowledge the accomplishments of students who are succeeding. Therefore, the Kudos function serves as an alert to recognize the student for their efforts.
Can I raise a flag, submit a referral, or assign a kudo when there isn't a survey?
Yes! These actions used throughout the semester help students throughout each semester to improve their academic standing.
How do I know if a Flag/Referral has been addressed?
Once someone from the appropriate department has seen and handled the Flag or Referral, you will get a notification from the Viking Success e-mail regarding action taken. You can also click on the tracking tab to check on a student’s status.
What happens when I get a notification message from Viking Success in Outlook?
There is no need to respond to a Viking Success e-mail unless a reply is requested. Most notification messages are sent automatically when action has been taken on raised flags and referrals. They are also sent as reminders when progress surveys become available and need to be completed.
What if I need help using Viking Success?
Try looking in our Faculty How To Guide. If you still need assistance with an issue, feel free to send an e-mail to Viking.Success@sunywcc.edu or attend one of our Viking Success Workshops.